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Le Duan Hernandez .'s Statistics

Name Le Duan Hernandez . Hours 621.30
Pilot ID CUB668086 Flights 64
Hub MUHA Distance Flown 36998 miles
Rank Piloto Comercial Last Flight 5 Days ago
Hire Date: 11/18/2022 Last Flight Date 03/09/2025

My Bio

Le Duan Hernandez . joined Cubana Virtual 847 days ago, and is based out of the MUHA hub. Le Duan Hernandez . was given the Pilot ID of CUB668086. Is currently holding a rank of Piloto Comercial. CUB668086 currently has 64 flights totalling 621.30 flight hours. CUB668086 last flight was on March 09, 2025, 5 days ago. CUB668086 has a best landing landing of -75 with an average landing of -409. Also with a worst landing of -409. CUB668086 has earned $ 164, 027.00 since joining Cubana Virtual on November 18, 2022. has also earned 0 awards flying with Cubana Virtual. } ?>

Le Duan Hernandez . (Hired 847 days ago!)

Le Duan Hernandez .'s Landings Stats

Best Landing: -75
Average Landing: -409
Worst Landing: -986

Awards (0)

Pilot has not earned any awatds yet. Maybe send him a reminder to fly.

PIREP's List (64)

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